8th International IGC Symposium in Cologne
4th June 2019
Following the step of the successful 7th IGC Symposium in 2018, we are eager to announce that the 8th International IGC Symposium will be on 4th June 2019 in Cologne.
This symposium is the place where you will have the unique opportunity to meet all the Inverse Gas Chromatography experts. It is ideally suited for industry representatives from R&D, product development and analytical departments as well as researchers from institutes who desire to learn more about IGC.
The symposium will provide a perfect understanding of the potential of surface characterization by molecular probes and practical uses of IGC for the different applications in industry.
Also, it will provide an ideal source of new ideas, novel practices and opportunities to interact with colleagues from both academia and industry. A careful selection of speakers will provide a solid base to ensure the scientific quality and attractiveness.
Please go to the website of our symposium, to see the programs and get the latest information.